Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Rev's Christmas Blog

Originally posted Monday, December 25, 2006

Well my children, Christmas has come. The time of year that everyone unselfishly spends their money on friends, family, classmates, and anonymous co-workers (for those offices that do the secret santa thing) in the hopes that the person will spend roughly the same amount of money on something that you want. The time of year for long lines, annoying traffic within 5 miles of any mall, and shoving others aside for that last present. Oh yeah, and some dude was born a few millenia ago. What? the guys name was Jesus Christ? Hey, that's the same as the first few letters of Christmas!! What a coincidence!!! It's not a coincidence? The holiday is named after him?? the hell you say!!

Yes, believe it or not, the purpose for this holiday being named Christmas is, in fact, because this is the day which we celebrate as the birth of Christ! I know, it's hard to believe isn't it? but it's true! Unfortunately, most of the world has forgotten this little fact. And yes, I am aware that we do not know whether or not this is the actual birthdate of Christ, hence the reason I worded it as "celebrate". Does anyone besides the Rev feel as though this isn't Christmas time yet though? In many ways, it just feels like it's any other time of the year. Maybe it's because the Rev is starting to get older, and some of the joy of the holiday will be lost until the Rev starts buying presents for his own children. In about a decade or so.

Maybe it's because of the weather. The Rev, as many of you know, lives in Orlando, FL, a place where it is generally warm most of the year, with this year being a particularly warm winter. In fact, as of Saturday, the Rev was able to comfortably wear shorts outside, and still be somewhat warm. But the Rev is up in Maryland right now with his family, and he notices it's also very warm up here! Normally around this time of the year, it's around the 30's, and the rev has to bundle up in a winter scarf, hat, gloves, and heavy jacket just to survive. Tonight, however, the Rev was able to wander outside for a matter of minutes without so much as a jacket and not be too cold. Something just feels wrong this year. Anybody else feel that way? It feels like the spirit's just missing from this holiday. Maybe i'm just crazy though. Who knows. Either way, it's time for the Rev to go to bed. To all of his loyal readers, the Rev wishes you a Merry Christmas. Those of you who aren't loyal readers, the Rev wishes you'd start becoming loyal readers. He really does.

I know this hasn't been one of the Rev's usual pissed off about something rants that you all know and love, but the Rev just hasn't been pissed off enough about anything in recent weeks. If anyone has any ideas, please send them to the Rev at, or post them as comments to this Sermon. Perhaps the Rev will feel like giving a more appropriate Christmas Sermon later today. And please people, don't forget to buy official Reverend Jim merchandise today at Reverendwear!!! Merry Christmas everybody!!

In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen

Original Comments

Nice use of the third person... Brad likes that!
Posted by Brad on Tuesday, December 26, 2006 - 11:46 AM

The Rev always refers to himself in the third person
Posted by THE Reverend Jim on Tuesday, December 26, 2006 - 1:09 PM

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