Thursday, November 5, 2009
Why the world is full of losers
As I walk around in life interacting with people, listening to them babble talk about their lives I started wondering about something: why is everybody I deal with a loser? Is it just a coincidence that every person I deal with is a loser? Possible. Do all the people who are losers happen to gravitate towards me? Also entirely possible. But I have a better theory. It’s not one people are going to like, and it’s going to go against a lot of the pop-psychobabble everybody was raised with about how everybody is special and everybody’s a winner, but it needs to be said. Here it is:
It’s that simple!!
Kids are raised in environments where they’re rewarded for LOSING!! What the hell!! A trophy for last place? What the hell good ever came from getting a trophy for last place??
As far as I know, the psychobabble reasons behind this are that it will help build the kids’ self esteem or some crap like that. Maybe for some kids this actually does help them, I won’t say it doesn’t help anyone. But it seems like for the majority all it does is set them up for disappointment later on in life. It’s setting them up to believe somebody is going to give them something whether or not they’ve done anything to earn it, which I guess is how the real world works, right? Jobs are given away all the time to whoever really really thinks they should have it, right?? Money too. And houses, food, families, and all that stuff.
Wait, that isn’t how it works. So why are we raising kids to think that’s how it works again? Hmmm
I’m not telling you to tell your kids they’re dumb, pathetic, stupid morons. I’m saying to make sure your kids know that life won’t be handed to them on a silver platter. They’re going to have to earn it. Yes, they can absolutely do and achieve anything they want. But it won’t be given to them. If somebody wants to fly a space shuttle, they can! But they need to earn it. They need to have the best grades, the best training, and be in great physical shape to endure the stress. They need to compete for the position. They need to understand that competition is real. And competition is good!
Competition is a great thing. It keeps the world from becoming complacent and bored. Which, as you can see if you look around life, is what we’ve become! Look around almost anywhere and you know what you will see? A lot of bored people. They’re bored because they don’t comprehend the value of winning in what they do. The stuff that used to be taught early in life when a person is most able to learn it and change their habits isn’t being taught until they’re done with school and are trying to succeed in the real world. This is the first glimpse they get of life as it is.
The moral of all this? Stop letting the next generation grow up believing that failure is ok. Let them know they can succeed, but only if THEY make it happen. Nobody else will.
Unless they're rich that is.
Anyway, that's what I believe. Or this is the late night ramblings of a loser asshole. Call it what you will.
Original Comments
Hear, hear!
Posted by the RBEEC on Wednesday, April 01, 2009 - 10:56 AM
Tips to survive holiday Travel
Hello my children, the Reverend is back for another Sermon, this one relating to the upcoming Holiday Season very much. This is a partial rant on stupidity, and a partial Travel Tips guide from the Rev himself.
For those of you who don't know, the Reverend travels quite often, particularly lately. In fact, since 9/11, the Rev has taken over 50 trips, and in that time has learned a few tips for dealing with airport security. But first: the rant:
How dumb are some of these people at the airport?? Do you seriously not realize that you need to take your jacket off when going through the metal detector?? And why would you bother arguing with the TSA people on this one!?!?!!?? Not only will it not get you anywhere, you'll serve to only piss off these people, and the people behind you!! No sympathy will be gotten from any direction!!
Now that the Rev's Rant is over with, here is the greatest tip list you'll ever need to get through airport security quickly and with minimum hassle.
1) Liquids
-According to current TSA guidelines and regulations, you are allowed to bring liquids on a plane, if they are 3 oz's or less, and all bottles are in a clear plastic container, and Lindsey Lohan is not in rehab (not sure about the 2nd one). You must pull out your bag of liquids and show them to the TSA representative. This step is referred to as a "time waster". My response is much simpler: How the hell many liquid products are you going to need on this plane ride??? Seriously!!
Conclusion: Pack your damn liquids in your checked in bag. Jackass.
2) Arriving at the airport early
-Some people you talk to will tell you to arrive at the airport at least 2-3 hours before your departure time. I like to refer to these people as "dipshits who obey whatever CNN commands them to do yet don't know shit about shit". I have never arrived at the airport (by at the airport, I mean at the counter checking in my bags) more than an hour before any flight i'm supposed to take. I've missed one flight in my entire life. There is no reason to arrive at the airport that early, unless you enjoy sitting around twiddling your thumbs endlessly for hours. I personally have better things to do.
Conclusion: There's no need to be at the airport more than an hour or so before your flight departs. None. At all. No, not that reason either. No, you're an idiot.
3) Don't be cheap. Use the skycaps. And tip them well.
-I think that speaks for itself. Oh wait, you're probably dumb. The skycaps are the people outside the airport who grab your bags from the car. Most airlines have them. Some airlines have started charging a $2/bag fee for using skycaps. This fee is completely worth it, every penny. Especially if you only have one bag to check in. They'll take care of checking your bags, and printing up your boarding passes. Tip them well for this. Remember, you're paying for the convenience of not waiting in line inside. I usually give them $5 and tell them to keep the change (for those of you that are bad at math, that's a $3 tip).
4) Going through security checkpoints
-People get so daunted by security checkpoints it makes me actually laugh. Going through security is simple if you just follow my simple rules. They are listed below:
-With the exception of your ID and boarding pass, move everything from your pocket into your carry-on or purse. Trust me. Nobody find it amusing watching you refill your pockets while blocking everybody else
-Wear shoes you can easily slide on and off. Assume you will have to remove your shoes, and in fact, prepare to do so while waiting in line by untying your shoes while standing there. It saves time, trust me. Best time saver, of course, is to wear shoes without laces. Also, if you're wearing a belt with a metal buckle, take that off while waiting in line. You'll have to take it off anyway, may as well save time (mine mostly because then i'm not stuck behind you while TSA explains why you need to take it off).
-If you travel with a laptop in your carry on (guilty), you will be required to take it out before your bag goes through the X-ray. Save time by taking it out while waiting in line (are we noticing a pattern here yet?).
If you follow my tips, once you get to the table before the X-ray is very easy. You grab a tray, place your laptop in it, place your shoes on top of the laptop, place your belt on top of the shoes, possibly get another tray if you have a jacket, and walk through the metal detector (but keep your boarding pass in hand. You'll need it.). If everybody followed these tips, there would be no security delays in airports.
Conclusion: Do as much as you can to save time while waiting in line. You're not doing anything else anyway!
5) After security
-After you've gone through the security checkpoint, most people stop at the receiving area to put everything back on and in. Don't do this. Go out to the benches and chairs that are nearby (yes, there are some there. Look for them.). Go do it over there. Stay out of everybody else's way while cleaning up people. In fact, stay out of everybody else's way in general. Please. Especially mine.
I certainly hope these tips will make your holiday travels much easier. If you follow them, you've done your part to make everybody's life significantly easier. Remember, with these tips, pass them along to as many people as you can!!
In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Think the country is becoming too dumb? I have a solution!!!
Well my congregation, having taken a rather long sabbatical from posting new sermons, the reverend has returned! This time, he talks about a subject that could, potentially, save the population of the entire country-nay, the entire world!!!
As I'm sure most of you have noticed, the United States on average is becoming dumber and dumber every year. Yes, you're not the only one who's noticed. The reason you're not the only one is because it is really happening! But never fear my children, as always, the Rev has the answer: Forced sterilization of morons!!
Since we can't just go around randomly killing people for being complete asshats, we can do the next best thing: make sure they don't reproduce. You all know the people i'm talking about too, you see them on TV everyday, in real life, and around the office. Those peole that you look at, and say, "Dear God, I hope he never has kids" or "I feel so sorry for her children!!". The big problem is that these are the people who are most likely to reproduce. If you doubt me, watch the movie "Idiocracy" by Mike Judge, and tell me that you don't see that happen every day.
The movie starts out with a cross section of two american families. One of them is a couple, recently married, husband has an IQ of 148 and the wife has an IQ of 152. Then it flashed to Cletus, IQ of 81. Cletus lives in a trailer park. As of the time of the cross section, he already has 3 children. During the interview, his wife runs out of the house with a positive pregnancy test, while simultaneously the neighbor comes out and announces that she is also pregnant with Cletus' child. We also find out his daughter is pregnant. Now, fast forward 5 years. Cletus currently has 8 children and at least 5 grand children. The intelligent couple thought about having a child, but decided the market wasn't right and it'd be a shame to bring a child into the world at this time. This pattern continues til eventually, the husband dies, and Cletus has 12 children, 20 grandchildren, and a few great grandchildren, and all of them are idiots. Tell me you can't see something like that happening in real life. I dare ya!!
Don't believe me? Sure you do. You just don't want to admit it!! These are the same people who are trying to support a family of 5 on a minimum wage salary, or think it's a brilliant idea to spend more money on rims than they did on the car they're going on, and then wonder why they're constantly broke!! These are the same people who spout out that "things need to be better" without actually giving any solutions for how to accomplish this. Women who get everything based on their looks, but get confused when someone asks them what their address is!!
Now, the question everybody is wondering, is how do we determine who gets to reproduce? Fear not, the Rev has thought about this!! It's so simple, I don't know why no one's ever thought of it before!!! I will decide who gets to reproduce!!! As a man of God, I have divine authority to determine this!!
Don't like that idea? Well, you're off the list of those allowed. Fine, here's another solution: we come up with a set of factors including IQ, a fairly empirical personality profile, violent crime tendencies, severe mental disorders, and finally a psychological evaluation. A panel of expert psychologists then determines whether a person is qualified to reproduce. These tests are to be administered as soon as a person turns 18.
"But Rev, kids can still reproduce when they're in High School and even Junior High! How do we stop the dumbass jock from breeding with airhead cheerleaders??" It's simple. Once a girl reaches age 12, she is immediately put on birth control. Not a pill based birth control, one which is out of the control of the person, thereby leaving nothing to chance.
My plan, if followed correctly, will put an end to several problems beyond simply the problem of idiots being allowed to breed. It will also solve the problem of teen pregnancy, which is always a major concern, it will help solve the overpopulation problem, and finally it will help to put an end to the major problem of girl's faking a pregnancy in order to force a guy to marry her (hopefully these psychos will be caught by a screener). All in all, I believe this is a fairly solid plan.
SO, my congregation, let's all say a prayer that our gov't will realize the error of allowing people who should not have children to reproduce, and step in to stop this from happening any further. Let us pray my children. Thank you
**NOTE: If not enough of the intelligent girls are hot, some dumb hot ones may be exempted from the rule to keep the overall population from getting ugly as necessary**
**NOTE 2: This sermon was not directed at a particular person, just a particular group of people. Idiots. If you think you belong in that group, there's a strong chance you do. If you think you don't belong in the group, there's a stronger chance you do.**
In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Original Comments
Well, notice that I said "Severe" mental disorders; specifically ones where a person is either a: a threat to themselves and/or others, or B: their illess is so severe that they need constant surveillance. I include these because mental illness tends to be passed down genetically. I'm not saying if someone has ADD or Dyslexia they're sterilized. Sorry for the mix up!!
Posted by THE Reverend Jim on Wednesday, July 25, 2007 - 2:05 PM
I like it.. now how do we get it on the ballots?
Posted by ~*iceystars*~ on Wednesday, July 25, 2007 - 2:31 PM
Humorous as always, but I'm not sure that I would be willing to trade away a freedom in exchange for a reduction in the number of idiots. Very tempting, mind you, but I don't think I want the government (itself reeking of idiots) to be in charge of something like this...
Posted by the RBEEC on Wednesday, July 25, 2007 - 4:48 PM
I actually support this idea. Although there are some loopholes, I think it would greatly clear up some of the unneccessary overpopulation of the country. We too many idiots alive now to allow them to continue breeding unchecked.
Posted by Jessi on Wednesday, July 25, 2007 - 7:24 PM
The only disadvantages to this plan is that nobody with a brain will want to live under reproductive fascism, leading to a massive brain-drain, and the ultimate collapse of the national IQ. Another problem is a loss of service sector workers, leading to the collapse of food, trash, and sanitation. But other than that it sounds like a winner.
Posted by d on Saturday, December 15, 2007 - 4:28 PM
What the F*** is wrong with people???
So i'm surfing around Craigslist last night looking for an electronic drumset, and I come across one that's a great deal, in a price i will be able to afford, and right in my area of town to boot! I'm thinkin "Perfect, I don't have enough right now, but maybe I can get him to drop the price a little, or if he's willing to hold a deposit until I get the rest of the money" and sent him off an e-mail to that effect. Here, in fact, is the e-mail that I sent him:
Hello, my name is Jim. I saw the article on Ebay. I'm very interested in your kit, it seems like exactly what i'm looking for (pending, of course, a successful trial). Unfortunately, I won't have the amount you're looking for until next week on payday (next Friday). I don't suppose you'd be willing to go as low as $350? or perhaps work out some kind of deposit? Thanks, let me know
Jim, I'd like to show you something. It's called a Glock 17 and it takes 9mm cartridges. Show up with $350 and not only will I sell you the "article," but I will also include a free personalized demo of this fine piece. If you give me your social security number, address, telephone number, full name, birthdate, and where your children go to school (probably don't have any since you can't find someone to reproduce with), I will be glad to even deliver this article with some of my friends: The Big One, Jimbo, and Lil' Ty (short for Tyrone Jones). I can't wait to hear back from you.
What the hell kind of mental problems does somebody have to have to reply to a simple question with a threat of killing not only myself, but any children I may have? Seriously. What the hell is wrong with this guy? Has he not gotten any in a few decades or what?
If this baffles you all as much as it does me, please do me a favor: Click Here to go to this asshat's product on CraigsList, and click the prohibited button in the top right corner. Also, if you wanna talk to this guy directly, his name is Alex Barabas, and his e-mail address is Please feel free to drop him a line anytime you want, for any reason at all. Thank you all, and have a great day!!
The Rev
"In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen."
EDIT: SUCCESS!!!! This asshat's posting has been taken down!! That'll teach him to mess with the Rev. Also, thanks to my inside sources, I have come across this giant douche's myspace account: Click Here to let him have it through MySpace messages. Enjoy!!
Original Comments:
i was gonna go "prohibit" him...whatever that means, cuz the guy sounds like a complete nutjob, but the listing was already down. yeah....dude was kinda scary...
Posted by MelB on Friday, February 09, 2007 - 2:18 PM
Good for you Buddy!, Losers like that need to be disposed of! See you soon.
Posted by Mike on Friday, February 09, 2007 - 9:03 PM
haha, i hadn't even checked on the status of this guys account in months. I was almost hoping he did try to start something further . . . I could easily get the entire Men's basketball team to watch my back, including most of the coaches. I get the feeling he wouldn't be as tough then.
Posted by THE Reverend Jim on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 - 2:03 PM
People are douchebags.... I'll kick his ass! Did he know that he was talking to a man of God like that?!?!?!
Posted by I fucking hate the cold...... on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 - 8:43 PM
The Rev's Christmas Blog
Well my children, Christmas has come. The time of year that everyone unselfishly spends their money on friends, family, classmates, and anonymous co-workers (for those offices that do the secret santa thing) in the hopes that the person will spend roughly the same amount of money on something that you want. The time of year for long lines, annoying traffic within 5 miles of any mall, and shoving others aside for that last present. Oh yeah, and some dude was born a few millenia ago. What? the guys name was Jesus Christ? Hey, that's the same as the first few letters of Christmas!! What a coincidence!!! It's not a coincidence? The holiday is named after him?? the hell you say!!
Yes, believe it or not, the purpose for this holiday being named Christmas is, in fact, because this is the day which we celebrate as the birth of Christ! I know, it's hard to believe isn't it? but it's true! Unfortunately, most of the world has forgotten this little fact. And yes, I am aware that we do not know whether or not this is the actual birthdate of Christ, hence the reason I worded it as "celebrate". Does anyone besides the Rev feel as though this isn't Christmas time yet though? In many ways, it just feels like it's any other time of the year. Maybe it's because the Rev is starting to get older, and some of the joy of the holiday will be lost until the Rev starts buying presents for his own children. In about a decade or so.
Maybe it's because of the weather. The Rev, as many of you know, lives in Orlando, FL, a place where it is generally warm most of the year, with this year being a particularly warm winter. In fact, as of Saturday, the Rev was able to comfortably wear shorts outside, and still be somewhat warm. But the Rev is up in Maryland right now with his family, and he notices it's also very warm up here! Normally around this time of the year, it's around the 30's, and the rev has to bundle up in a winter scarf, hat, gloves, and heavy jacket just to survive. Tonight, however, the Rev was able to wander outside for a matter of minutes without so much as a jacket and not be too cold. Something just feels wrong this year. Anybody else feel that way? It feels like the spirit's just missing from this holiday. Maybe i'm just crazy though. Who knows. Either way, it's time for the Rev to go to bed. To all of his loyal readers, the Rev wishes you a Merry Christmas. Those of you who aren't loyal readers, the Rev wishes you'd start becoming loyal readers. He really does.
I know this hasn't been one of the Rev's usual pissed off about something rants that you all know and love, but the Rev just hasn't been pissed off enough about anything in recent weeks. If anyone has any ideas, please send them to the Rev at, or post them as comments to this Sermon. Perhaps the Rev will feel like giving a more appropriate Christmas Sermon later today. And please people, don't forget to buy official Reverend Jim merchandise today at Reverendwear!!! Merry Christmas everybody!!
In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen
Original Comments
Nice use of the third person... Brad likes that!
Posted by Brad on Tuesday, December 26, 2006 - 11:46 AM
The Rev always refers to himself in the third person
Posted by THE Reverend Jim on Tuesday, December 26, 2006 - 1:09 PM
You want us to stop watching porn? Fine. You all stop watching romantic movies!
Good day my children. I know many of you are excited to see the Reverend posting on a regular schedule again! I know I'm excited to be posting!!
Todays topic is, yet again, a social one. It deals with a problem that plagues a number of relationships, and just as bad, a number of individual people. It's a classic debate amongst couples, as old as the industry itself.
When a man reaches a certain age, he starts to amass a collection of magazines, movies, and in this day and age, files on his computer. Though we can all figure out what these items are, i'll spell it out. I'm talking about pornography.
There's nothing wrong with porn whatsoever, just for the record. Everybody's watched it at some point, or looked at pictures, or something similar. It's perfectly OK. Unfortunately, not everybody shares the Reverend's view on this matter. Many people out there, particularly women, consider porn a very bad thing. One of the major reasons women claim it is bad is that they claim it gives men an inaccurate view of how women should behave. Women claim that porn is degrading to women, and that it gives women impossible standards to live up to. To these accusations, I say alright, we'll compromise. I'll give up my porn, when you give up your romantic movies!
When you really think about it, for the most part, these are the same things only marketed to different genders. Porn allows men to watch fantasies about involving (usually at least) women acting in ways most women don't act in real life, except on special occasions of course. Romantic movies, on the other hand, let women watch fantasies about how they'd like men to act in real life. The major difference between the two, is how the watcher applies what they see to real life situations.
When watching a porn, a man knows that deep down, most of the things that happen will never happen in real life. I mean, how likely is it that a hot housewife, wearing a silk bathrobe will call a plumber, and the plumber happens to be a gorgeous female, and the two of them randomly have sex in the kitchen, while simultaneously a beautiful cable repairwoman walks in to the wrong house by accident, sees them going at it, and joins in? I would say almost never. Men, though we still hold out hope, know this never really happens. With a romantic movie, women don't seem to realize that men in the real world don't behave like the men in those movies do, and they expect us to behave that way. Women walk away from a romantic movie thinking the exact same thing men do when they finish up a porn: "why can't my significant other act like that?"
Part of the source of this problem is the same as the source of most other problems with young people today: parental guidance, or lack thereof. An increasing number of families these days are single parent families, and more often than not the single parent is a mother. This means that a child usually has no male role model to teach them the realities of how men behave. While this is still a problem for young boys, it's an even bigger problem for young girls, as they naturally start watching the same movies as their mothers, which are usually romantic movies, and they start believing that that's how all men should behave. This is, sadly, not reality. Women have yet to realize this. And therein lies the interesting conclusion to come to: Men actually react to porn better than women react to romantic movies, because men only hope women act that way, whereas women expect men to act that way, and feel that they have the right to be upset and withhold sex when we don't!
To that notion, I propose these two solutions: the first option is, "If you want us to act like men in romantic movies, then you'd better act like women in Porno's," and the second one is, "We'll get rid of our porn, when you get rid of your romantic movies." Then, balance will be achieved.
"In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen."
Original Comments
Don't forget another major part of the problem . . . no, its not that modern couples don't talk to eachother about anything (even though that's true). And no, its not because couples just assume that they know how the other will act without regularly discussing expectations. Not at all.
Its because its no longer legal to stone women for looking at other men here in the states. I think we are behind the rest of the world when it comes to punishing our women for looking at other men (and this includes on DVD!!).
So, until we fix those laws, we are stuck being held up to Tom Hanks in Sleepless in You've Got Mail or whatever its called.
Posted by Money Burns on Friday, November 03, 2006 - 5:48 PM
Here's the problem - sick lonely men start our watching porn and then after a while that doesn't do it for them they move onto child porn...then move onto "preying" on children. Uh-hum...see previous sermon. Serisoulsy - nothing good comes from pornography. Not saying that is what happens with all men, just saying that is where it starts with those sick perverts mentioned in your previous sermon.
Posted by Laurel on Friday, November 03, 2006 - 5:48 PM
I'd disagree with the fact that all women expect men to act the way men do in romantic movies. If that were the case the phrase "nice guys finish last" wouldn't be so painfully true. In fact, I'd venture to bet that the guys who are naturally more chivalric tend to have a harder time finding a significant other and therefore are driven towards pornography moreso than the guys who do act otherwise.
Posted by Special K on Saturday, November 04, 2006 - 2:40 AM
Very provocative - like Jennifer Lopez put on the hot pants instead of the sweats.
ToTB says it all. BIG PICTUREPosted by Bert on Wednesday, November 08, 2006 - 11:50 PM
I would also like to add to that... I agree, the line should be drawn at kiddie porn... but we need to go ahead and put anything involving barnyard animals on that side of the line too...
Posted by Brad on Monday, December 11, 2006 - 5:00 PM
Hmmm I'll settle for the asshole guy and porn :)
Posted by Jen TJ's mama™ on Wednesday, November 15, 2006 - 2:51 AM
Would you really watch romantic movies if the girl fucks like a porn star? Maybe we can role-play... Rev. Jim and naughty BabyGirl.... what was that about a bad 80's tv show? The Rev. and the stripper???? lmao
Posted by I fucking hate the cold...... on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 - 8:42 PM
My Third Sermon
Good day my children! The Reverend apologizes for such a long sabbatical from his sermons, but fear not for he is back! Today, the Reverend writes about a topic that is very important to him, and i'm sure important to many members of my congregation! It's a topic that was big in the media a few weeks, and has since died down, but has been around as long as the internet, and will be around til the internet dies. I'm talking about dumbass grown men that look for young girls online, and try to have sex with them.
What is wrong with these so called "people"? What posesses them to get online and try to find 14-17 year old girls to prey on? Can they not get girls that are their own age? Is their penis so small that only a 14 year old would be impressed by it? Even if what they say is true, and their intentions are not to have sex witht he girls, why would you want to be friends with 14, 15, 16 year olds?? Their idiots! They don't have interesting stuff to talk about! Their in high school, they don't know shit about shit, and most of em wouldn't know reality if it walked up to them and punched them in the face!! But just in case you doubt my truth telling, here is a sample of an actual IM chat between two 16 year old girls:
SwTPrinCesS18: LiKe, OMG! did u c what juli was waring to skool today??
UrLuvBunny5: like, I totally did! wha a lil skank! totally!
UrLuvBunny5: and did u c how she was all up on jasn, that slut
SwTPrinCesS18: siriusly. so, like, whad are u up to 4 tonight?
SwTPrinCesS18: OMG, r u kiddin?!?!!?? the new season of the OC starts tonight!!! LIKE OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH U????!?!?!?!?!?!?!
UrLuvBunny5: OMG, I LIK TOTALY FRGOT!! IT'S TONIGHT!?!??!! wanna come over and watch it? maybe i can get my brothr to by us sum wein coulers!
SwTPrinCesS18: OOOH, that wuld be sooo awesum! mayb i shuld get him to by em. ur bro is hottt:-p!!!
UrLuvBunny5: like, ewwwwww!!!
Yeah, i wanted to kill myself after reading it too. But, this is a typical conversation between mindless 16 year old girls. I, too, weep for the future.
Back to my point, why would anybody actually want to be friends with these people?? Unless you're a guy in High School who's trying to get some, in which case the rules bend slightly regarding what's tolerable. *NOTE: IT ONLY CHANGES THE RULES IF YOU'RE IN THE LEGAL AGE LIMIT OF THE GIRL YOU'RE TRYING TO SCORE WITH!!!!!
Now that we've established that these guys are idiots, let's establish it some more. I'm sure almost everyone here saw, or at least heard of, the dateline or nightline or crapline report about sexual predators who use myspace/AIM/etc. In case you didn't, I'll sum it up for you:
A bunch of dumbass pervs started talking to young girls on MySpace, who were actually undercover investigators, and when the undercover investigators invited the guys dingleberrys over, they busted em for attempting to have sex with an idiot, or something like that.
The story was so popular that the show did several follow ups very quickly following it, in different areas. And ya know what the pathetic thing was? There were different dumbasses every single time!! Are these people so retarded that, despite several shows in which dumbasses just like them get busted, they still talk to, much less go and try to meet, these girls??!?!?! Congratulations my friends, you officially receive the dumbass of the year award.
Though we can put almost all the blame for this onto the shoulders of these perverts, we can't put all of it onto them. There are two groups that must be blamed whenever a girl actually gets molested by a guy off MySpace/AIM/etc. And no, it's not MySpace. They are to receive 0% of the blame, and anyone who disagrees with me can take up their argument with the sign on the brick wall next to my apartment that says, "This is the part of the Reverend that gives a crap about your dumbass opinion. Now go to a speed evolution class and develop a damn cerebrum like the rest of the species." No, the other two groups that deserve blame are 1: the dumbass girl, and 2: her dumbass parents.
The parents need to be blamed for not keeping a better eye on what their children are doing. These parents should know how to find out what their kids are doing online, and be able to monitor it. If you don't wanna learn how to do this yourself, you don't have to. There are other people out there that already know. In fact, some of them have been nice enough to package their knowledge into something called "Parental-control software." Much of this software, in fact, is available at your local computer store for a nominal fee. If you purchase this software, and put it on your computer, you can moniter exactly what your kids are doing, right down to knowing every keystroke they type!! Is $29.95 worth knowing your daughter's not getting molested?
Finally, the last of the blame must fall on the idiot girl. Why does a 16 year old want to have 29 or 35 or 45 year old guys as their friends?? these people are boring when you're 16. All they have to talk about is their day at work. They have no interest in the OC, or Justin Timberlake's new CD. Why? Why? Why?
As I close out my latest sermon, I have one thing to add for everyone who was mentioned in this sermon. In the words of Carlos Mencia, you are all a bunch of Dee Dee Dumbasses. Good night, and God Bless every one of you. Except the Pedophile Perverts. God says you all can kiss his ass.
"In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen."
P.S.: I've noticed that while many people do read my sermons (13 within 5 minutes of my posting it) only a few people tend to leave feedback! Why do more people not leave it? How else can I find out what you, my readers, like and don't like about my sermons? Hell, if there's a topic you want to see me give a sermon about, leave a comment about it!
Original Comments
:( i just wrote a long response and my browser locked up, and i lost it.
nevertheless, great sermon. reveals both the twisted idea of love and the total desire to satisfy oneself w/o regard for others that plagues this world.
i am surprised you didn't mention the related story getting heavy coverage concerning congress"man" foley et. al. it is one thing for "pedophile perverts" to go after young girls, but what about young guys. now that's gross and a lot more perverted.
Posted by Bert on Friday, October 27, 2006 - 12:27 AM
People don't like commenting... I noticed that a long time ago, when I used to post usefull blogs... I think my useless ones got more comments... I should blog that link from slashdot that I posted as a buliten. maybe people will stop bitching about how shit happens to their myspace...
Posted by Brad on Tuesday, October 31, 2006 - 12:37 AM
Love and Marriage . . . necessary, but more is required
My children rejoice, the time for the new sermon has arrived!! Can I get an amen?!?! HALLELUJAH!!!
Today I come before you, my congregation to speak on a topic which has, unfortunately, invaded it's way into all aspects of society. It first started as a song, then an idea, then a way of life, then a goal, but always a lie!! It is the philosophy of Lucifer himself, handed down through the generations, and kept alive by the evil empire of romance films or so called "chick flicks"!!! It is the lie that All You Need Is Love!!!!
Modern youth are raised with the idea that all you need is love to make something work. That is the lie of all lies!!! Love, in and of itself, cannot make two people who are incompatible compatible!! Love does not put roofs over heads and food on the table!! Love does not end fights. It may keep them at bay temporarily, but it cannot end them! Don't believe me? Read on.
The divorce rate in the United States has reached a new high, with over 50% of marriages ending in it. While there are several causes for this phenomenon, one of the primary ones is this notion people have that all you need is love. They keep quoting that throughout crappy relationships thinking that somehow a crappy relationship won't turn into a crappy marriage. But where is the proof of all these "theories" that I have?
If you look at a large portion of divorces nationally, you will find that the seperated couple does, in fact, still love each other, sometimes very much. So if this statement of "love will conquer all" is true, then why is it that these couples got divorced? Why you ask? Because love is not all you need.
Don't misunderstand me, love is absolutely essential. Without love, it will fail, no question about it. But love cannot make a marriage work without all the other essential elements. One of the primary ones is complementary goals! Not necessarily the same goals, but goals that complement each other. For example, if one person in a relationship wants to stay home with the kinds while they're young, and another wants a spouse to stay at home, that is complementary goals. On the other hand, if one person wants kids, and the other one doesn't, that is not something that love can overcome, and those two people have no business getting married ever. Yet people do it, every day, and then wonder, 5 years down the road, why they're getting divorced!!! Strike you as odd? It should!! Yet they never figure it out when it should have been apparent from the beginning of the relationship!!!
So what can two people do to overcome these issues? How can they avoid being another divorce statistic? It is, ironically, one of the easiest things in the world. It's very simple, yet people screw it up all the time. They simply talk to each other! Not only that, but LISTEN when the other person talks, and PAY ATTENTION to what the other person says!! And if the other person expresses a desire out of life that doesn't coincide with what you want out of life, you two shouldn't be together. It'll end in one of the being bitter and resentful because they had to compromise too much.
So what can you take away from this sermon my children? What is the moral of this long ramble? It's very simple. If you're having second thoughts about a person, don't ignore those thoughts just because you love them. You two just might not be compatible. Think about it!!
In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Original Comments:
Depends on your congregation, but over half may have dismissed you after your first statement.
"A man gets married and thinks his wife will never change; a woman gets married and thinks her man will."
Very good sermon Reverend and one that should be blasted over the airways in whatever way needed to reach deaf ears. I actually thought much about this very topic recently and implemented your proclamations. (That I did it before your sermon was read points to evidence of reality where time does not exist - as if I heard what you said before you said it.) A few weeks ago I had a really long conversation with a girl I have known for about three years. Over that time we grew close and I asked her out. The first time was a "no." After that I didn't ask her out, but just talked about going out. I really liked this girl, but we came to the conclusion through communication that we would never work out. Each of us was to the other person "too stubborn" in our beliefs and desires. I wish it could have worked out for their were so many things about this girl I liked, but the most important things were different between us.
I have often heard this certain wise man say (a priest who I assist at weddings) that "a marriage is not between two people, but between three persons - the third one being God."
God is Love. So this begs me to ask, if a husband and wife reject God, are they rejecting true love.Posted by Bert on Sunday, September 17, 2006 - 11:09 PM
Hey! I so agree with you on the love is not all you need. I was friends with a guy once for 10 years, in a relationship with him for 6 engaged 1 year. I love him very much. He was my best friend and high school love. We were the couple everyone hated because we complimented each other so well. But one day he became very bipolar and changed 180 degrees. In this situation all the years of love wouldn't change the person he had turned into. He didn't want to get help and I feared for my safty living with this new person. so, i called it quits. In alot of situations love is only a very thick string strung on the rope of a relationship. The string can always break at anytime over anything. All you can do is except its over. Cherish the time you did have love. Try to find the best parts you loved about love with an open mind and heart. Keep them in mind and move on with your life and be open to share yourself with someone new eventually. One day I hope to find that one in a million guy to put up with me. But I also learned its ok to be alone to. When that one in a million guy just walks into my life at first nobody knows who they might be untill you get to know them. Compare goals and everything in life you at that person might want or need out of or in life. Marrige is so over rated. Its a vision people think is pretty but get lost in only to get hurt unless they see clearly
Posted by [USER NO LONGER EXISTS] on Sunday, December 03, 2006 - 1:10 AM
Reverend Jims's Sermon 1
My children, the Reverend Jim has decided to start posting sermon's on his blog section. These sermon's will vary with topic and with day of posting, but the Reverend will do his best to make a new posting every couple days. If any of my Congregation has any suggestions for topics, the Reverend is ecstatic to hear them, and will write about as many of them as he can. Read on to find the topic of the Reverend's first sermon!!
The Reverend comes before his congregation today with an annoyed heart. It seems there is a problem on MySpace that nobody wants to address. While people are busy bashing MySpace trackers, and people who post 50 bulletins a day, not to mention the millions of people that add just for the sake of having more friends (don't misunderstand, those people deserve any crap they get, and they will get their just desserts in the end). No, the plight on MySpace of which I speak today is that of the Webcam Whore!!!
We all know who the Webcam Whores are. Those girls who go around and add random people, especially guys, to their page, even though they never actually do anything on MySpace. Their page simply links to a webcam or other various erotic chat method, including IM. These women are horrible, and should not be encouraged, which brings me to my next part of this discussion: the Encouragers.
Those who encourage webcam whores are just as bad as the whores themselves! If you have ever added a webcam whore to your friends list, you are an encourager. If you have ever posted a comment on a webcam whore's page, you are an encourager. If you have ever put a webcam whore on your top friends list, you are the worst kind of encourager!!! Before you add a webcam whore to your friends list, next time, ask yourself: is having this whore on your friends list worth the cost of your SOUL??? Is it worth the cost of the souls of MySpace??? Even worse, is it worth the loss in bandwidth that those whores use up with their useless profiles? People sit there and add random people to their friends list, and then wonder why the MySpace servers are so bogged down? IT'S BECAUSE THEY'RE MORONS!!!
So, in conclusion my children, when you get a request from a girl who is really hot, and dressed scantily, or if when you look at their profile it links to a webcam, don't add them as a friend. You're only encouraging them!!! If you think it might be a legit person, send them a message. If they respond, they're legit. If they don't, they can go to hell.
In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
EDIT: Interestingly enough, since posting this, i've gotten more adds from webcam whores than I've gotten in the last 4 weeks combined!!! Go figure.

Good message. Modern day version of 1 Cor. 6:12-20. You can always report inappropriate content as well to higher ups, whomever they be.
Posted by Bert on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 7:53 PM
Welcome to Blogger
What was the reason for the changeover? Well, frankly, the Rev has realized most people no longer check MySpace anymore, and the Rev is a bit of an attention whore with his sermons. He thinks he'll get more readers this way.
So tell your friends, and make sure to subscribe to the Rev's postings!
In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.