Thursday, November 5, 2009

You want us to stop watching porn? Fine. You all stop watching romantic movies!

Originally Posted Friday, November 03, 2006

Good day my children. I know many of you are excited to see the Reverend posting on a regular schedule again! I know I'm excited to be posting!!

Todays topic is, yet again, a social one. It deals with a problem that plagues a number of relationships, and just as bad, a number of individual people. It's a classic debate amongst couples, as old as the industry itself.

When a man reaches a certain age, he starts to amass a collection of magazines, movies, and in this day and age, files on his computer. Though we can all figure out what these items are, i'll spell it out. I'm talking about pornography.

There's nothing wrong with porn whatsoever, just for the record. Everybody's watched it at some point, or looked at pictures, or something similar. It's perfectly OK. Unfortunately, not everybody shares the Reverend's view on this matter. Many people out there, particularly women, consider porn a very bad thing. One of the major reasons women claim it is bad is that they claim it gives men an inaccurate view of how women should behave. Women claim that porn is degrading to women, and that it gives women impossible standards to live up to. To these accusations, I say alright, we'll compromise. I'll give up my porn, when you give up your romantic movies!

When you really think about it, for the most part, these are the same things only marketed to different genders. Porn allows men to watch fantasies about involving (usually at least) women acting in ways most women don't act in real life, except on special occasions of course. Romantic movies, on the other hand, let women watch fantasies about how they'd like men to act in real life. The major difference between the two, is how the watcher applies what they see to real life situations.

When watching a porn, a man knows that deep down, most of the things that happen will never happen in real life. I mean, how likely is it that a hot housewife, wearing a silk bathrobe will call a plumber, and the plumber happens to be a gorgeous female, and the two of them randomly have sex in the kitchen, while simultaneously a beautiful cable repairwoman walks in to the wrong house by accident, sees them going at it, and joins in? I would say almost never. Men, though we still hold out hope, know this never really happens. With a romantic movie, women don't seem to realize that men in the real world don't behave like the men in those movies do, and they expect us to behave that way. Women walk away from a romantic movie thinking the exact same thing men do when they finish up a porn: "why can't my significant other act like that?"

Part of the source of this problem is the same as the source of most other problems with young people today: parental guidance, or lack thereof. An increasing number of families these days are single parent families, and more often than not the single parent is a mother. This means that a child usually has no male role model to teach them the realities of how men behave. While this is still a problem for young boys, it's an even bigger problem for young girls, as they naturally start watching the same movies as their mothers, which are usually romantic movies, and they start believing that that's how all men should behave. This is, sadly, not reality. Women have yet to realize this. And therein lies the interesting conclusion to come to: Men actually react to porn better than women react to romantic movies, because men only hope women act that way, whereas women expect men to act that way, and feel that they have the right to be upset and withhold sex when we don't!

To that notion, I propose these two solutions: the first option is, "If you want us to act like men in romantic movies, then you'd better act like women in Porno's," and the second one is, "We'll get rid of our porn, when you get rid of your romantic movies." Then, balance will be achieved.

"In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen."

Original Comments

right on!!! can i get a AMEN!!
Posted by Uncle Rabbit!! on Friday, November 03, 2006 - 5:47 PM

I love romatic movies... I never watch them... but I find they are great for background durring naked time in the bedroom... but then again... I guess anything on in the background works... except of course gay porn... unless its female gay porn... then it still works...
Posted by Brad on Friday, November 03, 2006 - 5:47 PM

Don't forget another major part of the problem . . . no, its not that modern couples don't talk to eachother about anything (even though that's true). And no, its not because couples just assume that they know how the other will act without regularly discussing expectations. Not at all.

Its because its no longer legal to stone women for looking at other men here in the states. I think we are behind the rest of the world when it comes to punishing our women for looking at other men (and this includes on DVD!!).

So, until we fix those laws, we are stuck being held up to Tom Hanks in Sleepless in You've Got Mail or whatever its called.
Posted by Money Burns on Friday, November 03, 2006 - 5:48 PM

Here's the problem - sick lonely men start our watching porn and then after a while that doesn't do it for them they move onto child porn...then move onto "preying" on children. Uh-hum...see previous sermon. Serisoulsy - nothing good comes from pornography. Not saying that is what happens with all men, just saying that is where it starts with those sick perverts mentioned in your previous sermon.
Posted by Laurel on Friday, November 03, 2006 - 5:48 PM

I'd disagree with the fact that all women expect men to act the way men do in romantic movies. If that were the case the phrase "nice guys finish last" wouldn't be so painfully true. In fact, I'd venture to bet that the guys who are naturally more chivalric tend to have a harder time finding a significant other and therefore are driven towards pornography moreso than the guys who do act otherwise.
Posted by Special K on Saturday, November 04, 2006 - 2:40 AM

Very provocative - like Jennifer Lopez put on the hot pants instead of the sweats.

ToTB says it all. BIG PICTURE
Posted by Bert on Wednesday, November 08, 2006 - 11:50 PM

I would also like to add to that... I agree, the line should be drawn at kiddie porn... but we need to go ahead and put anything involving barnyard animals on that side of the line too...
Posted by Brad on Monday, December 11, 2006 - 5:00 PM

Hmmm I'll settle for the asshole guy and porn :)
Posted by Jen TJ's mama™ on Wednesday, November 15, 2006 - 2:51 AM

Would you really watch romantic movies if the girl fucks like a porn star? Maybe we can role-play... Rev. Jim and naughty BabyGirl.... what was that about a bad 80's tv show? The Rev. and the stripper???? lmao
Posted by I fucking hate the cold...... on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 - 8:42 PM

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